If you’ve been following this series, you’ll have read our last post on Black Pepper. This week we’re going to talk about another favorite of mine, one that I’ve found isn’t talked about all that much. The essential oil I’m referring to is Cajeput, also known as Melaleuca Cajeputi. I find that out of the Melaleuca family, Cajeput is much less known that it’s relatives, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Clove and Niaouli.
The botanical that Cajeput essential oil is steam distilled from, is a small tree that grows relatively upright, but it generally has a rather crooked trunk. It has long and slender twigs, which are often found drooping to the ground, much like those of a weeping willow tree. It’s leaves alternate between a green to a green-gray color and measure anywhere from two to five inches long.
Cajeput has a very penetrating and almost camphor like smells that works quite nicely in a blend.
The narrow and elliptic leaves of the Cajeput tree, become very fragrant when bruised.
Melaleuca Cajeputi is native to Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, Java and Vietnam, and while it is the main species grown for the production of this essential oil, there are also several other varieties that are cultivated for the production of this oil, such as Melaleuca Quinquenervia.
Precaution: There is a possibility of sensitization when using this essential oil.
Cajeput has many different uses, most focusing on the respiratory system for being helpful in dealing with many kinds of inflammatory conditions of the chest and lungs, as well as being a fantastic expectorant. The muscular system, especially conditions such as rheumatism, neuralgia, arthritis, as well as general aches and pains also benefit from the use of this essential oil.
The benefits don’t just end there though, Cajeput is a great essential oil to use when you’re dealing with acne or oily skin, as well as itching due to insect bites. It has also been said that it’s a very uplifting and stress relieving oil, among many other uses!
Until next time!
*If you have a specific essential oil you’d like to learn more about, let us know and it just might be one of the next oils we talk about!*